On this page, you will find documents related to Euro-BioImaging governance, such as our Annual Reports, Equality Plan, Status and more. You can access the material needed for outreach in the box on the right: our logos, style tile and brochure. The documents are in alphabetical order.
If you need something that you cannot find here, send a message to

Equality Plan
The Euro-BioImaging Equality Plan, released in September 2022, fosters diversity and equality within the organisation. It aims to create a safe, healthy, inclusive workplace culture through open communication, training, and regular audits. You can access the Euro-BioImaging Equality Plan here.

List of Nodes
All the Euro-BioImaging Nodes at one glance!
Access the list here.

Read or download the Statutes of the European Research Infrastructure for Imaging Technologies in Biological and Biomedical Sciences.
Access the integral document here.