Data services

To support production of quality data, analysis methods and an extended data life cycle, Euro-BioImaging offers Image Data Services for the benefit of the whole imaging community. Together with our expert Nodes staff, we support adoption practices that yield FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) image data and analysis workflows.

User Data Services

Euro-BioImaging offers its users Image Data Analysis (IDA) as a Service through expert Image Analysts at the Nodes. 

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Tejada-Arranz et al., 2020.

Community Data Services

Community initiatives are responsible for a lot of valuable work around developing training materials and standards for data, metadata and tools. Euro-BioImaging serves as a central coordinating point, participating in various community initiatives and consolidating their efforts.

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FAIR Data Services

At Euro-BioImaging, we support development of an ecosystem of FAIR bioimage data and tools.

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Digital image data produced by biological and biomedical imaging technologies is a growing and valuable resource. Storing, annotating, processing, visualizing and analyzing image data helps researchers understand physiological and pathological processes that drive life. A well curated dataset with quality metadata can augment the study with information that elevates its utility beyond a single use, and following standardised nomenclatures and methods makes the data and analysis easier to share and adapt. Here’s a schema to demonstrate how Euro-BioImaging empowers the Community with FAIR and Open Image Data and Analyiss Services.

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