Community services

FAIR image data is a valuable resource for the scientific community. It not only ensures rigorous and reproducible science, but holds the potential to enable novel scientific discoveries and promote development of advanced analysis methods. At Euro-BioImaging, we support development of an ecosystem of FAIR bioimage data and tools. We provide coordination and policy support, as well as guidelines, tools, and direct support for producing FAIR image data and making it openly available. Our data services for the imaging community at large are supported by many data-centric European projects including those related to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).

Representation in the European landscape

Euro-BioImaging represents needs and interests of the image data community towards European funding and policy agencies through its membership in the EOSC-Association and its task forces. We also raise the visibility of image data research by participating in various cross-domain data projects. You can find more information about our involvement in various EU projects here.

European Open Science Cloud EOSC logo
Data communities logos (Quarep-LiMi, Neubias, ESMI, Global BioImaging)

Coordination with community initiatives

Community initiatives are responsible for a lot of valuable work around developing training materials and standards for data, metadata and tools. Euro-BioImaging serves as a central coordinating point, participating in various community initiatives and consolidating their efforts.

Technical support

Large and complex datasets require specialised solutions, including those supported by cloud resources, for efficient image data management and analysis. Euro-BioImaging, supported by European projects, provides technical solutions for cloud compatible image data formats and workflows for the global community. You can access out latest tools here.

You can access out latest tools on GitHub.

You can access our data workflows on WorkflowHub.

Data Technical Support logos (Galaxy Project and OME-ZARR)
Logo collage of the Community services available from Euro-BioImaging

FAIR Image Data Stewardship

Euro-BioImaging promotes and facilitates the adoption of FAIR practices which get implemented at our Nodes and the Hub. We offer resources, training and 1-on-1 guidance to FAIRify user data in all stages of the data lifecycle – from project planning to data deposition and reuse.