Advanced Course on Fluorescence Microscopy and Image Analysis



June 26–30, 2022


Covilhã (Portugal)

The microscopy world is invisible to our eyes, but it is an invaluable tool in the medical and biological fields. In this course from CICS-UBI, Covilhã (Portugal), part of Portuguese Platform for BioImaging (PPBI) Node, learn about fluorescence microscopy - the most rapidly expanding microscopy technique that allows the visualization and identification of small molecules and sub-microscopic cellular components with high specificity from tissues or organs to a single cell.

This course will provide an introduction to fluorescence microscopy and image analysis, from optical sectioning and cell live imaging to super-resolution.

The course comprises on-site theoretical lectures and hands-on sessions, where participants will be able to perform experiments and contact with different fluorescence microscopes, and to have an overview of some specific software platforms that can be used for microscopy data analysis.

Target Audience:
MSc, PhD students and research scientists who are interested in light/fluorescence microscopy and image analysis.

- Limited to 15 participants: for attending the complete course (theoretical + hands-on sessions).
- Unlimited number of participants: for attending only theoretical lectures.

The course will be taught in English.

More information:

Registration: until June 20th, 2022 @