Data Management of Preclinical Image Datasets
June 15, 2023 09:30–12:30 CEST

During this two-part event, participants will explore various topics including the visualization of large datasets, management, and sharing of data and metadata, utilization of image processing tools, and data repositories.
The webinar will provide an overview of XNAT platform, which is one of the most popular open-source software platforms for imaging research. The second topic of the webinar will be XNAT for Preclinical Imaging Centers (XNAT-PIC), a free and open-source Windows desktop application, which offers several tools to expand the XNAT core functionalities to support the preclinical imaging community and to promote open science practices. There will be a panel where preclinical metadata and its management from the point of view of ontology such as web application and database archiving will be discussed.
The webinar aims to showcase the tools developed to improve the discoverability, access, interoperability, and reusability of preclinical image datasets, consequently providing a solid step towards the adoption of the FAIR principles by the of our imaging community.
- (9.30-9.35) Introduction - Dario Longo (National Research Council of Italy)
- (9.35 - 10.00) Biomedical Imaging Platform and Tools - Kranthi They Kandula (University of Turin, Italy): XNAT is an open-source imaging informatics platform with many core features. In this presentation, we will explore the potential of XNAT, including a brief but comprehensive guide to its core features and to the OHIF Viewer.
- (10.00 - 10.25) Expanding XNAT capabilities to Preclinical Imaging Centers - Francesco Gammaraccio (University of Turin, Italy): We will present our tools to expand the basic functionality of XNAT to preclinical imaging centers. We will introduce the Windows desktop application that we developed to facilitate the storage and the annotation of image datasets to the XNAT imaging platform.
- (10.25 - 10.50) Metadata management and storage - Elisabetta Spinazzola (University of Turin, Italy): The aim of this lecture regards the exploitation of metadata to curate image datasets, the adoption of the FAIR principles and the exploitation of several ontologies to cover the multidisciplinarity of the (preclinical) imaging field.
Pratical Demo
- (10.55 - 11.20) XNAT: Imaging informatics software platform - Kranthi They Kandula (University of Turin, Italy): In this tutorial the basic functionalities of XNAT will be shown, including how to login, create projects, add, explore and share datasets. Moreover, we will see the Admin privileges to extend XNAT core functionalities.
- (11.20 - 11.45) XNAT-PIC: XNAT for Preclinical Imaging Centers - Francesco Gammaraccio (University of Turin, Italy): This tutorial will explain how to install XNAT-PIC on your computer and the main features of XNAT-PIC will be shown, including the conversion of a whole dataset to the standard DICOM, the annotation of single patients belonging to different cohorts and the upload to the XNAT platform at scan/session/patient level.
- (11.45 - 12.10) Image processing on XNAT using Docker - Feriel Ramdhane (Euro-BioImaging ERIC and National Research Council of Italy): This demo will shows how to perform simple image processing and image quality evaluation by exploiting docker containers, including building a docker image with the image processing code inside, setting up commands and how to lunch containers.
- (12.10 - 12.30) PIDAR: Preclinical Image Dataset Repository - Elisabetta Spinazzola (University of Turin, Italy): We will explore the developed Preclinical Image Dataset Repository to store metadata information regarding preclinical image datasets, the metadata model and the use of ontologies to enrich the FAIRness and the value of the repository.
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