European Molecular Imaging Meeting – EMIM 2023



March 14–17, 2023

We look forward to the European Molecular Imaging Meeting in Salzburg, Austria, from March 14 to 17, 2023. We will have a dedicated Euro-BioImaging booth in the exhibition area and we are organizing a session entitled "Getting the most out of your imaging data". The Euro-BioImaging Industry Board Coordinator will also be present.

If you are attending EMIM 2023, we invite you to stop by our booth or join us at our session about imaging data. The full program of our session is below:

“Getting the most out of your Image data with Euro-BioImaging” - Thursday, March 16th, from 17:30-18:30 (MOZART 02, Ground Floor)

Moderators: Claudia Pfander & Giuseppe Digilio

17.30-17.40: Euro-BioImaging: Gateway to European Imaging Excellence, Linda Chaabane (Euro-BioImaging, Med-Hub, Turin)

17.40-17.50: Introduction of DATA sharing and FAIR principles, Dario Longo (IBB-CNR, Turin)

17.50-18.00: Introduction of DATA services at Euro-Bioimaging, Aastha Mathur (Euro-BioImaging, Bio-Hub, EMBL)

18.00-18.15: From AI based Image Analytics to Interactive Mining of Large Scale Data Collections in Life Sciences, Katja Bühler (VRVis, Austria)

18.15-18.25: Cancer Image Europe: the European Federation for Cancer Images, Peter Gordebeke (EIBIR, Austria)

Discussion & Questions

We will also attend the special session entitled, "State-of-the-art of Molecular Imaging – An Austrian Perspective" (Europa Saal, 1st floor) on Tuesday, March 14th from 15:15-16:45 with speakers from our Austrian BioImaging/CMI Node.

Alessandra Viale (Euro-BioImaging, Med-Hub, Turin) will also present at the session entitled, "AMICE-a Dutch collaborative model" on Thursday, March 16th from 17:30-18:30 (Doppler, 4th floor).

We look forward to seeing you there!

Registration is still open:

View full EMIM Programme: