ISCaM Annual Meeting
July 2–4, 2025
Following the success of the 11th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Cancer Metabolism (ISCaM), which gathered more than 200 participants from all over the world, we are pleased to announce that the 12th edition will be held again at the BEL Congress Centre, in Brussels from July 2nd to 4th, 2025.
The ISCaM2025 symposium ( will bring together experts in the tumor metabolism field to discuss new concepts in the regulation and role of cancer metabolism in tumor growth, as well as strategies for targeting tumor metabolism for therapeutic benefit. A combination of basic, translational and clinical studies will be presented, with the goal of identifying promising avenues in tumor metabolism that impact our understanding, diagnosis and treatment of cancer.
In addition to a stellar line-up of invited speakers, short talks and poster presentations will provide opportunities for researchers at all levels, with a special support for junior scientists, to discuss their most current work in this field.
This meeting will represent an excellent opportunity to share knowledge and methodology in tumor metabolism research and to network in a collegial and social atmosphere, during the breaks, reception and conference dinner.