Join us at the 48th FEBS Congress!



June 29–July 3, 2024



Event: 48th FEBS Congress (‘FEBS 2024’)
Theme: Mining Biochemistry for Human Health and Well-being
Location: Milano, Italy
Dates: 29 June - 3 July 2024
Hosted by: The Italian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Spotlight Session in Research Infrastructures: Explore how Euro-BioImaging provides unparalleled access to advanced biological and biomedical imaging technologies. This session, held in collaboration with EU-OPENSCREEN, Instruct-ERIC, and INFRAFRONTIER, will showcase how these infrastructures enable scientists to push the frontiers of their research by offering state-of-the-art facilities and expertise.

Why Attend? Euro-BioImaging supports researchers by providing:

  • Access to the latest imaging technologies and methodologies.
  • Expertise from leading imaging specialists.
  • Resources that are not available at individual institutions.

Collaborate with top-tier research infrastructures to elevate your scientific projects. Join us to learn how Euro-BioImaging, along with EU-OPENSCREEN, Instruct-ERIC, and INFRAFRONTIER, can help you achieve groundbreaking discoveries!