Lessons from the Trenches: MALDI imaging Method Development and Applications to Organophosphate Exposure

Virtual Pub


January 10, 2025 13:00–14:00 CET



Presented by

Cay Tressler, Johns Hopkins University

Please join us on Friday, January 10, at 13:00 CET, for the Virtual Pub. We welcome Cay Tressler, Johns Hopkins University, for a talk entitled, "Lessons from the Trenches: MALDI imaging Method Development and Applications to Organophosphate Exposure.Everyone is welcome!



Lessons from The Trenches

In the Tressler Lab, we are interested in mechanisms of matrix deposition and their impact on MALDI mass spectrometry as well as the application of MALDI mass spectrometry imaging to Organophosphate exposure. First, we will explore the use of factorial design of experiments for the optimization of spray protocols and automation of delocalization measurements. Next, we will discuss the difference between spray and sublimation on commercial systems. Finally, we will look at the application of MALDI MSI in organophosphate exposure of novel animal models. 

Virtual Pub - Cay Tressler