“Living collaborations”

Meeting EBIB events

Knowledge exchange, training, co-development and open innovation are often cited as key objectives of academia-industry collaboration, but making the relevant contacts and implementing joint projects requires a good network and defined areas of collaboration. In this webinar we would like to present examples of different models of collaboration that exist at the Nodes behind Euro-BioImaging.

In the panel discussion, we want to ask facility representatives and Industry Board members about finding the right partners and projects for collaborations, when to reach out for collaborators, and the mutual rewards and impact that these interactions bring to companies and the research community.

Watch the recordings of the event:

Living Collaborations – Introduction

Moderator: Claudia Pfander, Euro-BioImaging Industry Board Coordinator

CNC-University of Coimbra and labs@location from ZEISS: How an excellent partnership works

Luisa Cortes, University of Coimbra (Portuguese Platform of BioImaging) & Renate Burgemeister, ZEISS

Introducing the EMBL Imaging Centre

Timo Zimmermann, EMBL

Nikon Imaging Center at IIT: the growth in an advanced research environment

Alberto Diaspro, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Advanced Light Microscopy Italian Node)

Research Infrastructure as facilitator for R&D and technological transfer

Etienne Henry, France BioImaging & Luc Lenglet, The Twinkle Factory

Living Collaborations – Panel discussion

Ten panelists from academia and industry on collaboration