Nodes & Industry meeting

Meeting EBIB events


October 27, 2021 10:00–October 28, 2021 12:00 CEST

The Industry Board would like to invite all Euro-BioImaging Nodes to an exclusive 1.5-day Nodes & Industry Meeting on 27th and 28th October 2021.

The meeting will include two technical sessions with presentations from our Euro-BioImaging facilities and companies from our industry Board on the topic of 3D imaging using different imaging modalities. We hope to encourage lively discussions between facility staff and industry representatives on the limitations and potential of different technologies, new applications those technologies should enable and the potential for future development.

In addition, there will be a session on innovation and co-development where different imaging facilities present their model for successful academia-industry collaboration, followed by a panel discussion with panel members from academia and companies.

27th October

Session 1
10:00h - 10:30hWelcome and Round table
10:30h - 13:00h3D biological imaging
Eija Jokitalo, University of Helsinki, on Volume EM
Dirk Zeidler, ZEISS – ZEISS MultiSEM – From fundamental R&D to lead customers and beyond
Sylvia Le Dévédec, Universiteit Leiden –  Quantitative mapping of biological activities in micro-tissue for safety assessment
Sabrina Delattre, Nikon – Laser scanning confocal AX
Luis Alvarez, Leica Microsystems – Quantifying dynamics of endocytic vesicles : tracking mechanistic information in live cells
Jean-Baptiste Sibarita, Université de Bordeaux – Multiscale imaging of biological structures using the soSPIM microscopy technique
Martin Tewinkel, Olympus – Breaking Barriers – X Line Objectives
Session 2
14:00h - 15:00hCompany workshop – Leica Microsystems CMS GmbH
Falco Krüger & Franco Klingberg – Meet the synergy of THUNDER & AIVIA!
15:00h - 16:30h3D medical imaging
Francesco Faita, Institute of Clinical Physiology IFC – 3D and 4D Ultra High Frequency Ultrasound: cardiac and oncologic applications
Nicola D’ Ascenzo, Neuromed IRCCS – Opportunities in 3D dynamic Positron Emission Tomography: from image
reconstruction to image processing
Jithin Jose, VisualSonics – Photoacoustic imaging of Cerebral Hemodynamics: A multi-spectral approach
all times are CEST

28th October

Session 3
10:00h - 12:00h“Living collaborations” highlighting different models of successful collaboration between imaging facilities and industry
CNC-University of Coimbra and labs@location from ZEISS: How an excellent partnership works – Luisa Cortes, University of Coimbra + Renate Burgemeister, ZEISS
Nikon Imaging Center at IIT: the growth in an advanced research environment – Alberto Diaspro, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia Genoa
Introducing the EMBL Imaging Centre – Timo Zimmermann, EMBL
Research Infrastructure as facilitator for R&D and technological transfer – Etienne Henry, France BioImaging + Luc Lenglet, The Twinkle Factory
Panel discussion with speakers and representatives from our Industry Board
12:00hClosing remarks


The Technical Sessions on the 27th October are open to companies of the Euro-BioImaging Industry Board and representatives from the Euro-BioImaging Nodes only.

Session 3 “Living collaborations” is a public event – for more information, check here.