Single Molecule Microscopy and Manipulation



October 9–14, 2022


Prague, Czech Republic

IMCF, part of our Advanced Light and Electron Microscopy Node in Prague, is organising a hands-on training on selected single-molecule experimental techniques and data analysis, belonging to group of methods known as quantitative bio-imaging.

The list of microscopy techniques covered by SMMM course:

  • Optical tweezers
  • TIRF
  • Single particle tracking (1D and 2D)
  • Point FCS (including its variants: FCCS and FLCS)
  • Line-scanning FCS
  • Imaging FCS

Training course dates: October 10 - 14, 2022BIOCEV, Vestec

Using molecular motors and supported lipid bilayers as model systems, and also live cells for some methods, you will carry out state-of-the-art single-molecule detection and imaging using Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS) based methods and Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy. You will also useOptical Tweezersto manipulate single molecules and to measure forces exerted by single molecular motors. You will acquire superresolution images of fluorescently labeled fixed cells by DNA-PAINT technique. The course is intended for both students and research scientists with interest in advanced techniques of light microscopy.Registration is now open.

The course is supported by the National Infrastructure for Biological and Medical Imaging (Czech-BioImagingMinistry of Education, Youth and Sports – Large Research Infrastructure, LM2018129).