Special Edition Virtual Pub – Art and Archaeology

Virtual Pub


May 23, 2025 13:00–15:00 CEST

Presented by

Multiple speakers

Join us on Friday, May 23rd from 1-3 pm CEST, for the next Virtual Pub Special Edition. This one will focus on the role imaging tools play in research in Art and Archaeology.

We have a range of exciting presentations lined up from expert speakers - see the full program below - that will illustrate application of a wide range of imaging technologies in these research areas.

Time (CEST)TitlePresenter
13:00-13:10Welcome and introductionAntje Keppler
13:10-13:30Applications of Synchrotron imaging in human bioarchaeologyKirsi Lorentz
Cyprus Institute
13:35-13:55X-CT Reconstruction for Monitoring the Conservation State and Decay Processes of Artworks and Archaeological ArtifactsLaura Guidorzi
University of Turin
14:00-14:20Multimodal imaging approaches to unveil hidden details in paintingsAlice dal Fovo
National Research Council, National Institute of Optics
14:25-14:45E-RIHS services: The contribution of imaging analyses in cultural heritageVania Virgili
European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science
14:50-15:00Q&A and Closing