Tech Exchange on hyperpolarized MRI with NVision
May 26, 2023 14:00–14:30 CEST
Presented by
Ilai Schwartz, NVision Imaging
In the 6th episode of the Tech Exchange this year, we are looking a hyperpolarized MRI. All are welcome to join this 30-min webinar.

Ilai Schwartz, CTO at NVision Imaging, will give an overview of the technological concepts and advancements related to NVision’s hyperpolarized (HP) MRI solution using ParaHydrogen-Induced Polarization (PHIP).
The field of hyperpolarized MRI continues to captivate researchers and medical professionals, providing unique insights into metabolism of health and disease. At the same time, the technological and operational complexity of polarizers based on dissolution Dynamic Nuclear Polarization (dDNP) has been an obstacle for new researchers to enter the field. NVision has developed a polarizer based on an alternative technology (PHIP) that is extremely easy to use and allows for fast (just 2-3 minutes) and reliable polarization of 13C pyruvate and other key metabolites and inert molecules. The platform functions as a supplement to standard MRIs, facilitating real-time measurement of metabolic processes. NVision’s development will enable hyperpolarized MRI to become scalable and widely accessible, opening up possibilities for wide-ranging preclinical and clinical research in fields such as oncology (e.g. for early evaluation of treatment efficacy), neurology, cardiology, hepatology, and nephrology. Ilai will provide details on our technology and product, and will present new in vivo results demonstrating the safety and efficacy of our polarizer in comparison to the existing dDNP approach.
Everyone is free to join, but registration is required. Just sign up for the Tech Exchange and Euro-BioImaging’s Virtual Pub scientific seminar series once, and you will get automatic reminders for upcoming events.