Tech Exchange on 3D EM data with Thermo Fisher Scientific

Tech Exchange


October 20, 2023 14:00–14:30 CEST

Presented by

Alexander Rigort & Maximilian Voll, Thermo Fisher Scientific

The Tech Exchange is back after an extended summer break. This time, we are looking at visualization and analysis of 3D EM data in a presentation by one of our Industry Board members.

All are welcome to join this webinar – please register below!

Alexander Rigort and Maximilian Voll, Thermo Fisher Scientific, will present on “Image acquisition and analysis solutions for volume EM and cryo-tomography”

For cell and structural biology, FIB/SEM microscopes have emerged as indispensable tools, both for the preparation of electron-transparent samples for cryo-tomography and as tools for volumetric imaging of biological samples at room temperature and under cryogenic conditions. In all volume and cryo-EM workflows, visualization and analysis of image data is the final goal that contributes significantly to the discovery of new biological insights. In this webinar we will provide a brief overview of our latest FIB/SEM developments and show how volumetric data from biological samples can be segmented and analyzed using Amira software – our framework for 3D data visualization and processing.

Everyone is free to join, but registration is required. Just sign up for the Tech Exchange and Euro-BioImaging’s Virtual Pub scientific seminar series once, and you will get automatic reminders for upcoming events.