Tech Exchange with Phantech
May 3, 2024 14:00–14:30 CEST
Presented by
Justin Jefferey
In our next Tech Exchange webinar, we will talk about biomedical imaging and how to enable quality-controlled, quantitative imaging.

Justin Jefferey, co-founder of Phantech, will talk about “Enabling Quantitative Imaging Using Innovative Phantom Technology“.
Accurate quantitative imaging is becoming increasingly crucial in the fields of molecular imaging research and personalized medicine. For example, the customization of radiopharmaceutical therapies (RPT) depends on precise dosimetric calculations that necessitate accurate quantitative nuclear medicine imaging data. Given that imaging modalities are susceptible to both technical and physical sources of quantitative error, it is essential to determine precisely when and how an imaging system deviates from its specifications so that it can be corrected. The identification and potential mitigation of these errors requires the routine application of innovative phantom technology to enable quantitative imaging.