EVOLVE Opportunities
The EVOLVE project benefits the entire Euro-BioImaging community through heightened visibility and developments for imaging and imaging-based research. Targeted actions in the EVOLVE project will benefit Euro-BioImaging Nodes, national imaging communities and other stakeholders. You will find an overview of these opportunities, made possible by funding from the EVOLVE project, below, as well as information about who is eligible to apply for the specific opportunities.
EVOLVE Job Shadowing programme
By facilitating staff exchanges among Euro-BioImaging Nodes, the Cross-Node Job Shadowing programme made possible by the EVOLVE project enables Node staff members to glean insights and expertise from their counterparts at hosting nodes. If covers a range of topics, including scientific and technical fields, operational and management aspects, as well as data management. Furthermore, it will strengthen the Euro-BioImaging family of Nodes by connecting Node staff across Europe.
Eligibility: Node staff only
EVOLVE Mentoring programme
Euro-BioImaging’s Mentoring Program will strengthen our Node Community by forging relationships with members from other Nodes, with the Global BioImaging network and industry.
These mentoring relationships aim to benefit both mentors and mentees and support skill building, career development and daily operations.
Eligibility: Node staff, Global BioImaging partners, EBIB partners
EVOLVE Training grants
Thanks to the EVOLVE project, we are delighted to announce funding support is available to Euro-BioImaging Node staff who would like to attend externally organised training courses on topics ranging from Technical, to Management & Soft-skills and Image Data. The first call is open until January 31st, 2025. If you are working at a Euro-BioImaging Node and need funding to support your training objectives, please contact your Node coordinator or write to us for the application form.
Eligibility: Node staff
Euro-BioImaging's Scientific Ambassador programme
Euro-BioImaging Scientific Ambassadors program aims to raise awareness about the services and opportunities provided by Euro-BioImaging. It provides training, networking opportunities and travel grants (thanks to the EVOLVE project) to individuals who are passionate about imaging and want to help spread the word about the Euro-BioImaging mission of providing open access to imaging expertise.
Eligibility: All imaging enthusiasts (except Node staff). Early career researchers are encouraged to apply
Exchange of Experience on working with industry
Euro-BioImaging is organizing a monthly 90-min Exchange of Experience on working with industry aimed at supporting Nodes in their collaboration with industry users. Starting in January 2025, this program will allow facility managers and staff to share insights, tools, and address challenges related to working with industry. We will hear primers from different Nodes and have ample time for discussions.
Eligibility: Node staff
These opportunities are supported by the EU in the frame of the EVOLVE project (Grant: 101130986).