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APPLY NOW to the second canSERV open call: all user projects covering from basic discovery science to translational science and translation into personalised oncology, that address at least one of the four strategic goals of the Cancer Mission (understanding of cancer; prevention and early detection; diagnosis and treatment; quality of life for patients and their families) are eligible for this call. Deadline 23 July 2024 for the "Reaching an Understanding of Cancer" Challenge Call. Deadline 28 August 2024 for the "Revolutionising Cancer Patient Care" Challenge Call.

  • canSERV is a Horizon Europe funded project that brings together 19 European partners, designed to effectively support cancer research providing cutting edge, interdisciplinary and customised oncology services across the entire cancer continuum
  • Euro-BioImaging is coordinating and providing open access to a portfolio of cutting-edge Biological and Biomedical imaging services through 28 Euro-BioImaging Nodes* across Europe.
  • canSERV launches open and challenge calls for user projects regularly: more information on the open calls and how to apply can be found here.
  • 28 Euro-BioImaging Nodes provide imaging services within canSERV, including Electron Microscopy (volume and cryo EM), Advanced Light Microscopy technologies (super-resolution, functional, live cell, and mesoscopic), multimodal animal imaging(MRI, in vivo optical imaging, US, PAI, nuclear imaging and bimodal techniques), human MR and PET imaging, Mass Spectrometry Imaging, elemental detection, and image data analysis for supporting your cancer research. The full list of available technologies can be found in the canSERV catalogue by selecting "imaging" as the service category.
  • To apply for FREE ACCESS to Euro-BioImaging and other RIs’ services, please follow the Guidelines below.

Application Guidelines:

  • To start your application, please visit the canSERV catalogue, select the services you are interested in and submit your application through the canSERV Common Access Management System. Detailed instructions can be found here, and in case you need help with the application submission, you can contact canSERV helpdesk at
  • Please consult with the Euro-BioImaging Node* you are aiming to apply to before preparing and submitting your proposal requesting Euro-BioImaging services. You can find the list of Nodes* participating in canSERV below. Technology offer and contact information can be found on the respective Node page.

If you have any questions or need support in finding the fitting Euro-BioImaging technology or Node for your research question, please contact

Euro-BioImaging Nodes participating in canSERV: