Through open access, Euro-BioImaging enables life sciences researchers to obtain advanced imaging data at all resolution scales, from nanoscale molecular and cellular imaging to non-invasive organ and whole-body imaging. By empowering science, Euro-BioImaging creates a virtuous circle, generating value for its member organisations and facilities. Euro-BioImaging leverages the visibility and recognition of national facilities by granting them access to national roadmaps. This increases the facilities' private and public funding opportunities at national, regional and international levels.
Euro-BioImaging enables research and impact that aligns with multiple United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), notably SDG17, emphasising cross-sector and cross-country collaboration in achieving all the SDGs by the year 2030 and SDG3, on "Good Health and Well-being". Euro-BioImaging users are engaged in research elucidating cellular and molecular mechanisms of organismal developments, disease origin and development, ageing, and diagnostics and therapeutic intervention. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Euro-BioImaging services were especially timely in achieving a better understanding of virus entry into the cell, reproduction, and potential drug targets - all areas where the Euro-BioImaging Nodes already had significant expertise (in the context of HPV, Zika, HIV, etc.).

Equally relevant is Euro-BioImaging's contribution to achieving SDG2 "Zero Hunger", e.g. imaging of plants provides important insight into nutritional composition, adaptation to extreme conditions, or phenotypic changes driven by genetic engineering. The Euro-BioImaging technologies have been employed in projects that stretch across multiple SDGs simultaneously - e.g. SDG13 "Climate Action", SDG14 "Life Below Water", SDG15 "Life on Land" exploring symbiotic interactions in oceanic plankton for marine ecosystem understanding.
Demonstrating Euro-BioImaging Socio-Economic Impact (SEI) to our key stakeholders and European society is essential for the sustainability of the RI and for recognising the important role advanced imaging technologies play in today's life science research and beyond. The SEI assessment will focus on scientific impact analysis while also considering broader impacts beyond scientific achievements.
Within the INFRA-2023-DEV project EVOLVE (Euro-BioImaging: Vision - Operations - Landscape - Visibility - Excellence), started in March 2024, a dedicated work package will be in charge of the strategic development of Euro-BioImaging, including the SEI assessment. The Euro-BioImaging impact assessment aims to measure the actual changes due to an activity based on our existing list of Key Performance Indicators. Once the areas have been determined, we implicate the relevant impact pathways identified in the RI-PATHs project to describe the socio-economic impact of RIs and related financial investments. SEI assessment will be executed at five-year intervals and integrated into the Impact Analysis framework of the Euro-BioImaging Governance System. Potential SEIs will assess Euro-BioImaging resources, including FAIR data and Open data sharing; development of standards and quality management; provision of public education resources; provision of expert advice to support public policies; relationship capital; imaging scientists' career progression and job creation; industry collaboration; added value of coordinating and involvement in EC projects; and public visibility. One of our goals is to impact policies in Europe.
To determine the list of SEIs, we will collaborate with other LS-RIs, which have either performed their impact monitoring or are planning it, and bring expertise from different domains as needed. Euro-BioImaging aims to develop the expertise of its staff on SEI measurement.