Annual Panel of Nodes Meeting

January 26, 2024
Governance Panel of Nodes

On Tuesday, January 23, Euro-BioImaging had the pleasure of attending the Panel of Nodes meeting. The Euro-BioImaging Panel of Nodes is composed of the official representatives of the Euro-BioImaging Nodes. It meets regularly and its mission is to advise the Euro-BioImaging Directorate with regards to Euro-BioImaging Node activities.

The objective of the meeting on January 23 was to prepare for the All Hand’s Nodes meeting which will take place in April 2024 in Torino, Italy. We were particularly pleased  to see representatives from all Euro-BioImaging nodes including from our new Spanish Nodes and Belgian Node at this meeting.

Many thanks to the Panel of Node Chairs, Julia Fernandez-Rodriguez and Marc van Zandvoort for organizing the meeting and to our Nodes for their feedback. We very much look forward to seeing our Node colleagues in Torino at the All Hands Nodes Meeting

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