BNMI Symposium – an important event for the Nordic imaging community
From August 17-19, Euro-BioImaging’s Scientific Project Manager, Johanna Bischof, and Quality Manager, Camilo Guzmán, joined Euro-BioImaging’s Nordic Nodes and other members of the international imaging community at the BNMI Symposium in Reykjavik, Iceland. The aim of this inaugural meeting was to bring together the community of Nordic imaging core facility staff and imaging scientists who develop or utilize biological imaging methods and representatives of industry to discuss projects and present the latest imaging technologies and processing methods. The meeting was very successful. We were pleased to see the Bridging Nordic Microscopy Infrastructures (BNMI) network - which includes facilities that are part of 4 Euro-BioImaging Nodes - come together in person for its first meeting.
The BNMI network is a collaboration between Nordic imaging infrastructures in Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway, and Iceland, that aims to enhance interactions between the different infrastructures and countries, increase visibility of the available infrastructures and create interactive networks in life science imaging. The project is led by Oddmund Bakke, Head of the Euro-BioImaging NorMIC-Oslo facility, part of our NorMIC-Oslo Node.
BNMI was launched by an important NordForsk grant in 2020, providing the financial resources it needs to organize scientific and technical Symposia, workshops and knowledge-exchange seminars, as well as job shadowing programs for facility staff and short-term scientific mobility grants for researchers among the participant Nordic countries.
“I really enjoyed connecting with imaging scientists from the different Nordic imaging core facilities and hearing the fascinating science at the BNMI Symposium. This was a very good chance for Euro-BioImaging to connect with our four biological imaging Nordic Nodes: Danish BioImaging, NorMIC-Oslo, Swedish NMI, and Finnish ALM Node,” said Johanna Bischof.
Next year, the symposium will take place in Odense, Denmark. But between now and then, many exciting events and funding opportunities are planned, so visit their website to learn what opportunities may be available to you!
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