June 16, 2023

Interested in Smart Microscopy? Join the discussion!

Towards community standards in Adaptive Feedback Microscopy Adaptive Feedback or ‘Smart’ Microscopy is an emerging field that is gaining importance e.g. in the context…

May 8, 2023

Looking back on the “BioImaging and the European Open Science Cloud” workshop

What a great opportunity to engage different stakeholders in a dialogue about Open Science, Open Data and the Sustainability of the EOSC! The …

World of Imaging - opening event of the Africa Microscopy Initiative (AMI).

March 1, 2023

WORLD OF IMAGING - Euro-BioImaging visits Cape Town

As Euro-BioImaging has specifically been established to enable open access to cutting-edge imaging technologies, we are obviously interested in how open access and open…

Euro-BioImaging technology portfolio

February 20, 2023

Expanding our imaging technology portfolio

At the end of 2022, Euro-BioImaging significantly reorganised and expanded its technology portfolio, including a large number of novel imaging technologies that are provided…

Group of young employees working in office, top view

February 1, 2023

Perspectives on the Euro-BioImaging Industry Board internship pilot project

Education is the greatest gift we can give to the next generation, which is why Euro-BioImaging is collaborating with several dedicated Master’s…

February 1, 2023

Posters to spread the word about funding, FAIR data, and Euro-BioImaging!

After the Panel of Nodes meeting in Torino, Italy, we are pleased to provide posters that can easily be printed on an A4 printer…

January 31, 2023

Choosing a career path for young imaging scientists

What better way to explore possible career paths for future imaging scientists than with an industry internship? Thanks to the Euro-BioImaging Industry…

January 27, 2023

30.5 M Euros funding awarded to Euro-BioImaging Italian Nodes

Congratulations to the MMMI Italian Node and Italian ALM Node on receiving 30.5 M Euros funding over the next 3 years from the Italian…

January 15, 2023

Internship opportunities for tomorrow’s imaging scientists

Education is the greatest gift we can give to the next generation, which is why Euro-BioImaging is collaborating with several dedicated Master’s…

December 12, 2022

Four new technologies officially added to the Euro-BioImaging portfolio

New imaging technologies are developed at a rapid pace and keeping up with these advancements is a key mission for Euro-BioImaging. At the same…

November 23, 2022

Healthy Cloud: Next steps for Health Research & Innovation in the cloud

Euro-BioImaging is participating in the “Joining forces to define the European Health Data Sharing Landscape for Research” meeting organized by…

November 23, 2022

Euro-BioImaging Board and Panel of Nodes Meetings in Torino

On November 8-9, 2022, members of the Euro-BioImaging Hub Team had the pleasure of meeting with the Euro-BioImaging Board and Panel of Node in Torino,…