Dr Selene Roberts at the MINFLUX machine at the OCTOPUS facility, part of Euro-BioImaging's UK Node.

March 14, 2023

MINFLUX: Super fast, super-resolution microscopy

Want to see objects that are 5 nanometers apart? Need to track objects moving in live cells with high temporal resolution? Then why not…

Laser Microdissection at the Polish Advanced Light Microscopy Node.

March 9, 2023

Laser Microdissection: Extract specific regions from your sample

Want to look at tumor vs. healthy tissue within a sample? Laser microdissection enables you to select a material based on its spatial or…

March 8, 2023

ANERIS Project: Towards Operational Marine Biology

Euro-BioImaging is delighted to be part of the ANERIS (operAtional seNsing lifE technologies for maRIne ecosystemS) project, which kicks off this week in Barcelona. The…

Euro-BioImaging User Forum: Cardiovascular Research

March 7, 2023

Analysis of Nano-Structural Dynamics in Cardiomyocytes

Euro-BioImaging is organizing an online User Forum on Tuesday, March 21, 2023, from 14:00-17:00 CET. The topic is “Cardiovascular research.” This event will highlight…

RIM comparison

March 7, 2023

A powerful high speed, low phototoxicity microscopy method to achieve super-resolved images

Are you interested in looking at tissues or other thick samples in high resolution? We spoke to Marc Tramier, a group leader at the…

Euro-BioImaging User Forum: Cardiovascular Research

March 6, 2023

The direction matters: SRe changes with direction in a rat model of graded diastolic dysfunction

Euro-BioImaging is organizing an online User Forum on Tuesday, March 21, 2023, from 14:00-17:00 CET. The topic is “Cardiovascular research.” This event will highlight…

Spatial trasncriptomics. Image courtesy of Bioscience Technology Facility, University of York.

March 1, 2023

Spatial Transcriptomics – For understanding tissue architecture

Spatial Transcriptomics is a useful approach for understanding tissue architecture and for understanding the molecular basis of health and disease. The Bioscience Technology Facility…

Magenta: membrane coated beads, green: virus like particles. Image courtesy of Steven Edwards, SciLifeLab.

February 28, 2023

Lattice Light-sheet: For fast, subcellular, volumetric imaging

Want to see adherent cells with low phototoxicity and photobleaching? What about spheroids and organoids? Both of these are possible with Lattice Light-sheet imaging,…

Example of Expansion Microscopy. Image courtesy of Ana Agostinho, SciLifeLab, Swedish NMI.

February 23, 2023

Expansion Microscopy: Enabling super-resolution microscopy to be performed on diffraction limited microscopes

Want to look at subcellular structures such as mitochondria, centrioles and microtubules in super-resolution? Only have access to conventional diffraction-limited microscopes? By physically expanding…

In the background, Ben Giepmans (left) and Eric Reits (right) proudly holding the NL-BioImaging sign. In the foreground, happy users at the microscopy facility. 

February 20, 2023

Congratulations NL-BioImaging on receiving funding for a fully integrated infrastructure!

Three hundred years after Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, father of live-cell microscopy, performed his last amazing research, a 25 Million Euro grant from the…

IMPRESS project partners

February 15, 2023

Proud to be part of the IMPRESS project

Euro-BioImaging is proud to be part of the IMPRESS (Interoperable electron Microscopy Platform for advanced RESearch and Services) project, which…

February 2, 2023

Euro-BioImaging’s All Hands Nodes Meeting in April 2023

We are pleased to announce that our first in-person All Hands Nodes Meeting since Euro-BioImaging ERIC operations began in 2019 will be held at…