News / Swedish NMI Node

October 29, 2021

Coming soon… Two new super resolution microscopes available for you at Swedish NMI!

Wondering where you can go to do fast live cell imaging with unprecedented resolution (at 60 nm)? Why not travel to Stockholm or Gothenburg,…

December 4, 2020

Euro-BioImaging ERIC extends a warm welcome to its new Nodes!

We are very pleased to announce that the Euro-BioImaging family is growing! In 2020, we welcome four new Nodes hosted by Austria, Finland, Sweden,…

BNMI countries

June 5, 2020

New opportunities for Nordic imaging scientists

A Nordic network of imaging nodes, Bridging Nordic Microscopy Infrastructures (BNMI) has been awarded NOK 2.5 million from NordForsk (220,000 Euros), as part of…