Motor neuron development revealed using multiple imaging techniques and 3D reconstructions
Dr. Alena Salašová is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Biomedicine, Aarhus University (AU). Her work focuses on neurodevelopment, in particular, understanding the…
November 21, 2023
Looking at Drosophila development with laser microdissection & 2-photon microscopy
Daniel Ríos Barrera is a developmental biologist and Associate Investigator at the Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas (IIBO) of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México…
November 20, 2023
TeraHertz Imaging: Portable plant imaging
Working on plant biology? Want to detect leaf water stress or assess the quality of dry fruits like chestnuts and hazelnuts? TeraHertz Imaging could…
November 15, 2023
An open source image analysis tool for studying neuroinflammation linked to COVID-19
COVID-19 infection has been associated with many neurological manifestations, from neuroinflammation to impaired brain energy metabolism. In the Turku PET Centre, which is part…
November 6, 2023
Learning new plant imaging techniques at an IFIEB training course
Katerina Kaduchova is a PhD student at the Centre of Plant Structural & Functional Genomics, Institute of Experimental Biology, Czech…
July 13, 2023
PHENOPlant: High-throughput phenotyping capability for plant research
Trying to understand optimum growth conditions for small to mid-size crop plants? Studying the impact of drought and other climate factors? Need to perform…
June 19, 2023
Multiscale multimodal 3D analysis of cardiovascular alterations/ structural features in a rhesus macaque monkey model for COVID-19
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is the biggest health crisis of the 21th century. Due to the extremely high number of infections, it is of…
June 7, 2023
Supporting the development of hydrogels for drug delivery
Francois Lux is an Associate Professor of Chemistry at the University of Lyon 1. His research interests include nanomedicines – precisely the development of…
May 23, 2023
Looking at stem photosynthesis with FLIM
It all started at the Molecular and Biophysical Bases of Photosynthesis Conference held in Venice in May 2022. Sara Natale, then a PhD researcher…
May 23, 2023
Intravital microscopy supports progress in nanomedicine and immunotherapy
Understanding how immune cells interact with different medications within the disease environment is at the heart of Alexandros Marios Sofias research interest. He is…
May 19, 2023
Understanding Phantom Limb Pain
Phantom Limb Pain (PLP), i.e., the pain perceived in an amputated body part, is a very debilitating condition for amputated patients. However, its origin…
May 5, 2023
Analyze large-scale light-sheet microscopy images of the brain
Want to analyze and annotate your sample with the Allen Brain Atlas but don’t have the hardware, software or know-how…