Studying abroad? Euro-BioImaging can enhance your experience!
Euro-BioImaging users come from many different countries and many different backgrounds. Their research interests vary – as does their career stage. This is the…
March 3, 2021
Remote experiments with STED microscopy at Euro-BioImaging's EMBL Node? Yes, you can!
Jonas Bagge is a PhD Fellow in the Department of Biology at the University of Copenhagen. His speciality is DNA repair, with a…
January 18, 2021
Understanding how mechanical forces act in plant cells
Imaging technologies can help scientists understand how plant tissues respond to stress, such as drought, heat, or other environmental factors. Characterising the mechanical properties…
November 24, 2020
Euro-BioImaging’s EMBL Node contributes to understanding SARS-CoV-2 replication cycle in human cells
Understanding virus replication is a key part of any therapeutic strategy to combat COVID-19. Without this crucial piece of the puzzle, it is hard…
November 10, 2020
Conducting interdisciplinary transnational research in the COVID-19 era
The COVID-19 pandemic has made it more difficult for researchers to travel from one country to another, slowing down cross-border cooperation. It has forced…
January 9, 2020
“I would definitely recommend Euro-Biomaging to others" – Tobias Kletter, an iNEXT-funded user to Euro-BioImaging, tells his story
Tobias Kletter is a PhD-student in the Reber lab at Humboldt-University of Berlin, Germany. His research in the area of cell biology focuses…