Correlated Imaging Series: What can we learn about living organism with PET, SPECT and CT technology?

October 7, 2021
Correlated Imaging PET Virtual Pub

On Friday, October 15th at 13:00 CEST, Adriana Tavares, University of Edinburgh, delivers a lecture on how to maximize the amount of data extracted from PET, SPECT and CT images and increase the advantages of multi-modal imaging approaches, as part of the Correlated Imaging Series, brought to you by COMULIS and Euro-BioImaging.

Positron emission tomography (PET), single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and computed tomography (CT) have been used to understand how multiple diseases throughout the body develop, progress and can be treated. These imaging techniques have helped with diagnosis and staging of patients in the clinical setting, as well as, exploratory basic science studies focused on understanding the mechanisms underlying disease development and progression. They provide rich multiparametric datasets that often are minimally analysed by the researchers and clinicians. This talk at the upcoming COMULIS session will cover how one can maximise the amount of data extracted from a given PET, SPECT and CT image; as well as how to maximize the advantages of multi-modal imaging approaches. It will provide practical examples of how PET, SPECT and CT imaging have helped advanced biomedical sciences and beyond; while covering the pitfalls in the field that we should be tackling as a community.

About Adriana Tavares:

Adriana is a senior research fellow in Positron Emission Tomography (PET) imaging and the head of the preclinical PET facility at the University of Edinburgh. Her research is focused on developing new PET radiotracers and novel methods of analysis of PET data. She serves as a reviewer for various journals, funding bodies and international congresses. Adriana is the co-chair of the STANDARD group of the European Society of Molecular Imaging (ESMI), founder of the “PET is Wonderful” group, and member of the Molecular Imaging Committee of the Scottish Imaging Network: A Platform for Scientific Excellence (SINAPSE).

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