EUCAIM is launching an open call for new beneficiaries

April 25, 2024
EUCAIM Open Call

The EUropean Federation for CAncer IMages (EUCAIM) project is launching an open call for new beneficiaries to join its consortium. The call aims to onboard new cancer image data holders to increase the geographic dimensions, data modalities or cancer targets of its Cancer Image Europe platform, and to include new reliable AI algorithms made by data users and trained on the cancer image data from the platform. Deadline to apply: 10.6.2024
Who can apply to the external open call?
Applicants must be legal entities which are not already part of the EUCAIM project and may belong to one or both of the following groups:

  • Data holders contributing with new data.
    Data holders will contribute with data either by; (a) becoming a federated node or (b) transferring anonymised data directly to the Central Repository.

  • Data users wishing to develop, train, benchmark and/or validate AI algorithms using curated data from the Cancer Image Europe platform.
    Data users may include researchers from clinical or academic institutions and innovators from private companies and SMEs developing AI tools for improving diagnosis and prevention who wish to train and/or validate their tools on external datasets.

An indicative budget of 214,000 EUR per applicant is available. The budget follows the same 50% co-funding rate that applies to all EUCAIM partners, with a potential contribution of 107,000 EUR per beneficiary from the European Commission. However, this does not preclude the submission/selection of proposals requesting other amounts. This Call aims to enrol approximately 18 new beneficiaries to join the EUCAIM consortium.

How to apply, and what is the submission deadline?
The deadline for submissions is 10 June 2024

To read the full open-call text and more details, please visit

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