Euro-BioImaging at European Microscopy Congress 2024
With 8 years of planning and waiting, emc2024 was an event with many expectations. Held in Copenhagen, Denmark, in 2024, following the cancellation of the originally planned emc2020, this meeting of the European Microscopy Society brought together more than 2,000 researchers and imaging scientists working on a wide range of subject areas.

The conference offered a wide range of excellent presentations on the latest technology developments and applications for imaging in both the material sciences and biology, making the selection of the track sessions to attend a big challenge.
Many Euro-BioImaging Node staff members were in attendance - at least 10 Nodes were represented - and many shared their expertise and latest imaging solutions with the community. The meeting featured many interesting new technologies, particularly in the areas of correlative imaging, volumeEM, X-Ray Imaging, and in situ structural biology. The meeting also represented a chance to strengthen our interactions with partner communities vEM and COMULISglobe.
Euro-Bioimaging was represented by Johanna Bischof, Head of Bio-Hub Operations, who comments: "EMC represented a great chance to meet with our Node community in attendance and to catch up on the latest technology developments, and to raise awareness for Euro-BioImaging with the researchers at the meeting, some of whom will hopefully have a chance to take advantage of the Euro-BioImaging services in the future."
The international angle
Global BioImaging was also represented at the meeting, and we put the global collaboration into practise with a shared booth for Global BioImaging, Microscopy Australia, and Euro-BioImaging, as well as a jointly organised session as part of the Global BioImaging Working Group for career paths for core facility staff.

Eija Jokitalo (Finnish Advanced Microscopy Node) and Julia Fernandez-Rodriguez (NMI Sweden Node) were part of the heroic organising team, which went through two rounds of planning and 8 years of effort to bring this conference to life. A big congratulations to the entire organising team for putting together a highly successful event.
We look forward to the next EMC in Barcelona in 2028!
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