Euro-BioImaging at yITAMIC Chat & Science days
On September 13th 2024 our Med-Hub section director Linda Chaabane had the chance to introduce Euro-BioImaging at the first “Chat & Science Days” organized at the University of Turin by the Italian young ESMI group yITAMIC.
yITAMIC, the young ITAlian Molecular Imaging Community, is one of the young ESMI groups that are part of the European Society for Molecular Imaging, ESMI, aiming at connecting the Italian community of early stage imaging scientists to foster collaboration between labs and groups. We were very glad to be part of the event highlighting the opportunities that Euro-BioImaging can offer to all scientists and get engaged at national level with the young Italian scientists of yITAMIC community. We also had the chance to exchange with some industries around the latest innovation to support and sustain the rapid advancement of scientific research in the imaging field for preclinical applications.
“It has been a real pleasure to meet the enthusiastic young scientists coming from various regions of Italy together with several members of our italian node MMMI. The yITAMICS committee is a super active community that prepared an excellent event allowing interactions with scientists and industries too,” Linda says.
Eleonora Cavallari, chair of yITAMIC, says ”Linda's presentation was very engaging for our young researchers, as it provided a vision of a network of national and international laboratories connected through Euro-BioImaging, which expands our opportunities and access to equipment and expertise that would otherwise be unavailable. She emphasized a fundamental principle of both ESMI and yITAMIC, which lies in fostering collaboration, training, and strengthening a united scientific community.”
The event was a great opportunity to meet the young scientists with different backgrounds in the biomedical fields and also interact with industries that presented their recent developments for preclinical imaging.
We are looking forward to meeting this dynamic group again at the next European Society of Molecular Imaging meeting in Bilbao on 11-14 March 2025.
Linda's presentation was very engaging for our young researchers, as it provided a vision of a network of national and international laboratories connected through Euro-BioImaging, which expands our opportunities and access to equipment and expertise that would otherwise be unavailable. She emphasized a fundamental principle of both ESMI and yITAMIC, which lies in fostering collaboration, training, and strengthening a united scientific community.
- Eleonora Cavallari, chair of yITAMIC
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