Euro-BioImaging Nodes & Users participate in the European Researchers’ Night

September 23, 2021
Finnish Advanced Light Microscopy MMMI Italian Node Networking Nodes PPBI

The European Researchers’ Night is a research communication and promotion event that aims to bring research and researchers closer to citizens of all ages. This year, it will take place simultaneously in 29 countries on the evenings of Friday, September 24th and Saturday, September 25th. Several Euro-BioImaging Nodes and Users will be involved in the 2021 edition of the European Researchers’ Night to raise awareness about imaging technologies via games, quizzes, exhibitions, digital activities and discussion. We are really happy that our Nodes are participating in this event to talk about the importance of imaging and its applications with their local communities.


Want to participate next year? This initiative is supported by Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, and the call for 2022-2023 is open until October 7, 2021! Learn more

FINLAND – Turku (Finnish ALM Node user, Guillaume Jacquemet)

Forcing the Impossible is a multidisciplinary research project combining science and art. Within the frames of the project, cutting-edge researchers at Åbo Akademi University meet different artists.

The scientists will explain their research, and the artists will interpret and illustrate what they hear, using their respective media. In this context, Guillaume Jacquemet of the Cell Migration Lab will present videos that show how imaging work done at the Finnish ALM Node supports his research on cancer.

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ITALY – TORINO (Multimodal Molecular Imaging Italian Node)

On the occasion of the European Night of Researchers, on the 24th and 25th of September the staff from the Molecular Imaging Center of the University of Torino, part of the Multimodal Molecular Imaging Italian Node, will be at the Molecular Biotechnology Center to show “How the invisible can be made visible.” Not only some of the more interesting research results achieved at the facility will be presented in a simple and eye-catching way, but also some funny activities will be carried out to make the principles at the basis of imaging understandable. These will include:

  • The radiologist test: guess what the MR images represent!
  • The memory test: look at images to learn about damage induced by neurogenerative diseases
  • The game of differences: search for the differences to learn how the imaging techniques are able to distinguish human pathologies
  • The Chemistry of fireflies: learn the difference between “colored” and “fluorescent”

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On Friday, September 24th, our new medical imaging Node in Pozzilli, NEUROMED DIMP, together with its partners, invites the local community to investigate the increasingly close relationships between men and technologies, in order to better understand their value in biomedical applications. The event, entitled “Man meets machine,” (to paraphrase Konrad Lorentz’s book “Man meets dog”…) will highlight avant-garde imaging technologies and beyond, as attendees embark on an extraordinary journey to discover how innovative technologies are enhancing healthcare. If you want to participate, please write to

PORTUGAL – Algarve (CCMAR, part of PPBI)

In Algarve, Portugal, on September 24th, scientists from the CCMAR, part of Portuguese Platform of BioImaging, our Portuguese Node, will entice their local community with a "3D microscope with a mobile phone" in an event entitled, “Science for All.” This event is part of a larger, Portugal-wide European Researchers’ Night event dedicated to Green Growth and Education, where microscopy and microscopic life-forms will also be presented:

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