EVOLVE Job Shadowing Series: A Week of Discovery at the IMG Light and Electron Microscopy Node in Prague
In the picturesque city of Prague, science meets artistry at the Institute of Molecular Genetics (IMG) Light and Electron Microscopy Node. From October 14th to 18th, 2024, Katlijn Vints from the VIB BioImaging Core Leuven embarked on a transformative journey, developing her skills in advanced electron microscopy under the guidance of Dr. Vlada Filimonenko and Dr. Dominik Pinkas. The visit was part of EVOLVE Job Shadowing Program that connects researchers across Europe, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange. Katlijn’s mission: to learn the intricacies of the Jeol F200 200kV electron microscope, a versatile tool for cryo-imaging, tomography, and STEM analysis.
Cryo-Imaging: Freezing Moments in Time
Katlijn’s journey began with diving into cryo-imaging techniques. Over the week, she learned how to freeze samples using plunge-freezing, prepare grids, and capture high-quality cryo-tomographs. Under the guidance of the team, she progressed from guided sessions to independently performing cryo-imaging. Observing plunge-frozen cell monolayers in stunning detail and successfully conducting cryo tomography was a memorable highlight.
Tomography: Seeing the Bigger Picture in 3D
The training delved into room-temperature TEM tomography—a technique critical for visualizing thicker biological samples. Katlijn explored the entire workflow, from acquiring tomograms to mastering IMOD software for post-processing.
About our fellows & hosts
Katlijn Vints
- Affiliation and Node: VIB BioImaging Core Leuven, Flanders Bioimaging Node
- Host: Vlada Filimonenko and Dominik Pinkas
- Affiliation and Node of Host: Institute of Molecular Genetics AS CR, Prague. Light and Electron Microscopy Node Prague CZ
- Dates of the Visit: 14-18/10/2024
- Topic: Training on Jeol multipurpose F200 200kV electron microscope
From training to transformation
The experience wasn’t just about acquiring technical skills; it was about building bridges. Inspired by the collaborative environment at IMG, Katlijn returned to Leuven ready to implement what she learned. Her immediate goals include tackling ambitious projects like imaging Drosophila brain synapses and training colleagues at the VIB BioImaging Core.
The benefits of this shadowing program extend beyond the lab. Katlijn plans to record and share training videos with the global Volume EM community, ensuring the ripple effects of this knowledge reach far and wide.
Visiting another Imaging Core was a very nice experience! I want to thank the Euro BioImaging for organizing this Job Shadowing program and selecting me! This visit not only gave me the opportunity to learn new equipment, I also benefit from watching another EM facility how they collaborate with other users and how they deal with the core management. As planned, we will record a video of how to acquire and process a tomogram and publish it on the website of the volume EM community in 2025. - Katlijn V.
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