EVOLVE Job Shadowing Stories: Paula Jiménez Gómez visits the DIMP NEUROMED – leadership, measuring impact and the challenges of project coordination.
The EVOLVE Job Shadowing program is a fantastic opportunity for Node staff to immerse in the daily life and operations of other Nodes of the Euro-BioImaging community. Between September 2024 and March 2025, during the programme's first phase, twelve participants will share, learn, explore and discuss topics ranging from innovative imaging processes to facility management best practices. As participants returned to their home institutions, we asked them to reflect on their experiences and share their insights. Discover how this unique program ignited inspiration, sparked new ideas and brought colleagues closer together.
In this EVOLVE Job Shadowing Story, we speak with Paula Jiménez Gómez from the Population Imaging Node Valencia as she tells us about her time with Nicola D’Ascenzo in Naples.

Paula’s background is in biomedical sciences, specifically biomedicine. She completed her PhD in stem cell and cancer biology. She then decided to switch career paths and has worked as a project manager in Valencia for the last two years.
Euro-BioImaging: Thank you so much for agreeing to talk with us today. First, tell us a little about your role at the Population Imaging Node Valencia.
Paula Jiménez Gómez: I'm working with scientists to help them coordinate their tasks and achieve the goals of their projects, particularly within the framework of the CHAIMELEON EU project. Additionally, I manage all the communications with the European Commission regarding project progress and related matters. That was the main focus of my visit to Italy with Nicola D’Ascenzo.
Euro-BioImaging: What motivated you to join the EVOLVE Job Shadowing Program?
Paula Jiménez Gómez: I really enjoy learning from others and acquiring new skills, so I saw this as a fantastic opportunity, especially since this is my first role as a project manager coordinating a European project. While I was already familiar with how things are done within our group, it was also be interesting to gain insights from another research institution.
Euro-BioImaging: Have you been on a similar visit before? What were your expectations?
Paula Jiménez Gómez: I didn't know what to expect because, in the past, when I had done this type of activity, it was always in the frame of scientific research. So, I didn't have clear expectations. Then it was a great surprise, a very positive experience! I wanted to learn new techniques and ways of working, but I wasn't sure exactly how. There are skills in project management that are very difficult to teach, especially just in a few days, right? But it was a fruitful experience, and it was excellent!
Euro-BioImaging: Great to hear! When you applied, you didn’t have a specific Host in mind, and you went through our Match-Making process. How did you find that process?
Paula Jiménez Gómez: That worked really well. I emailed you directly with the competencies that I wanted to learn a few weeks before the deadline, so I didn't have much time to look for a tutor. You chose someone who you thought could help me develop those skills, and I'm really happy with how that turned out. Nicola is a fantastic tutor, and I learned from him on a number of very different levels.
Euro-BioImaging: What new professional insights have you brought back that you may be able to implement at your home node?
Paula Jiménez Gómez: I learned so much from Nicola! It was very inspiring to witness how Nicola interacts with his team and his philosophy on what it truly means to coordinate a project and lead a group of people. There are also specific tips and tricks I picked from Nicola, which can be applied everywhere. If you want to make a team work effectively, it's crucial to create a collaborative space where everyone feels comfortable, free to participate and encouraged to share their perspectives and ideas. For me, that was one of the most important take-home messages. When I held my dissemination session with my group (in which participants shared their insights with their home Node, ed.), it was challenging to translate those insights into a PowerPoint!

Euro-BioImaging: At Euro-BioImaging, we have our own Hub-Staff exchange, and we have spoken about how important certain impacts are, even if they do not necessarily fit with a certain metric. Sometimes, it can be difficult to pinpoint exactly what you bring back from a certain visit, which is why we have these interviews!
Paula Jiménez Gómez: Indeed! While some impacts may not be easily quantifiable, a project´s success is often a clear indicator of a team that has worked effectively from the start, driven by good guidance and leadership.
Euro-BioImaging: Right! How did the dissemination session go? Could you tell us a little bit about what you did?
Paula Jiménez Gómez: It went well! I provided my Home Node team with an overview of DIMP NEUROMED, introduced Nicola, explained what they do, and highlighted the projects they are involved in. I then focused on how to implement project tasks related to soft skills and the challenges of a project coordinator in bringing together institutions from different countries with varying backgrounds. As a coordinator, it is essential to establish a common ground so these pieces can work together. We also discussed various strategies to address this challenge.
Euro-BioImaging: Do you think the insights you brought back from Nicola and NEUROMED will help to overcome those challenges?
Paula Jiménez Gómez: Yes, absolutely. I was very positively surprised by my director´s response. He suggested that it would be a good idea to develop best practices for coordinating a project. As a coordinator, you might be a doctor or a scientist, but there isn't much training available on managing such a large consortium with so many diverse partners.
Euro-BioImaging: Well that’s why we have our Training Program! Glad it’s been helpful. Would you recommend this job shadowing program to other node staff members?
Paula Jiménez Gómez: Yes, without hesitation! Actually, a couple of colleagues asked me whether there would be a second round of applications, which I understand is the case.
Euro-BioImaging: Yes, in Spring 2025. Keep an eye on Euro-BioImaging website! Do you have any advice for future Job Shadowing participants?
Paula Jiménez Gómez: Although my experience is probably different to most people’s, since I went to DIMP NEUROMED to learn about project management, I believe that something that applies to everyone is planning as much as possible beforehand. At the same time, go with as few expectations as possible and focus on getting the most out of the experience, as it will surely surprise you and teach you something new!
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