EVOLVE: Support for Node Staff to attend Training Courses – DEADLINE APPROACHING
Thanks to the EVOLVE project, we are delighted to announce funding support is available to Euro-BioImaging Node staff who would like to attend externally organised training courses on topics ranging from Technical, to Management & Soft-skills and Image Data. The first call is open until January 31st, 2025. If you are working at a Euro-BioImaging Node and need funding to support your training objectives, please contact your Node coordinator or write to us for the application form.
1st Call: November 4th 2024 to January 31st 2025!
An email with the application form has been sent to our Nodes. If you are a Euro-BioImaging Core Facility staff member and have not received this communication, please contact your Node Supervisor or write to us at info@eurobioimaging.eu. We encourage all applicants to consider the training opportunities offered by Euro-BioImaging Nodes before considering external courses.
- Funding will be available for training courses and workshops taking place between February 2025 and February 2026.
- The grants will cover registration fee, travel and accommodation expenses, up to a maximum 3,000 EUR, which will be reimbursed upon submission of a short report of the course.
- To ensure the maximum impact of this initiative, successful applicants will be expected to perform a knowledge dissemination action to share what they have learned within their Node, and potentially beyond!
- Support is exclusively for Node Staff and can cover courses in any of the following areas: Technical, Management and Soft-skills and Image Data.