Four new Open Calls for infectious disease research

November 28, 2022
ISIDORe Open Call

ISIDORe (Integrated Services for Infectious Disease Outbreak Research) is pleased to announce the launch of its preparedness programme calls for proposals for free of charge access to its state-of-the-art facilities, cutting-edge services, advanced equipment and technologies.

Topics include Respiratory pathogens, SARS-COV-2/COVID-19, Vector-borne pathogens and their vectors, and other Pathogens with epidemic potential- these calls are running on a rolling and “first come - first served” basis. Additional topics include Monkeypox (pre-application deadline: November 29) and Risk Group 4 (RG4) pathogens (pre-application deadline: February 7, 2023).

Within the ISIDORe project, Euro-BioImaging coordinates access to 19 Nodes, all providing a portfolio of Imaging services to support research on infectious diseases. Should your project in the respective research areas require or benefit from access to Imaging technologies and expertise - we are happy to advise you and connect you with the right facility and technologies for your project! (

For more information

Visit the ISIDORe website:

More information on how to apply via Euro-BioImaging:

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