Highlights from Euro-BioImaging’s 8th Board Meeting

August 1, 2023
Board Events Governance

Last week, we hosted the 8th Euro-BioImaging Board meeting in Turku, Finland. Representatives of Euro-BioImaging’s 16 member countries & EMBL joined for two days of hybrid meetings. Many thanks to all who participated in these productive discussions and exchanges! On May 23-24, Euro-BioImaging Board members met in Turku, Finland, home of our Statutory Seat. At the meeting, the Euro-BioImaging’s strategy was discussed and we updated our Board members on our key achievements of the last year and presented the outlook of upcoming initiatives and events. 

Change of Board Chair

This meeting also gave us the opportunity to recognize the extraordinary service and support of Professor Benjamin Geiger, Board Chair since 2015. His remarkable commitment has contributed to the development of our infrastructure and ensured the seamless transition from interim phase to operations. We are deeply grateful for his leadership and guidance during a critical phase in the Euro-BioImaging growth and development. An evening concert was given in his honor. 

During this meeting, Professor  Maddy Parsons  was elected as the new Board Chair. She is a Professor of Cell Biology, Director of several imaging facilities (including the Microscopy Innovation Centre, which is part of our UK Node) and Vice Dean for Impact and Innovation at King’s College London. She joins co-chair of the Board Jan Buriánek in leading the Euro-BioImaging Board. She is strongly committed to enabling our infrastructure to build on our success and deliver on our future strategic goals.

From left to right: Med-Hub Director Linda Chaabane, Bio-Hub Director Antje Keppler, Board Chair from 2015-2023, Benjamin Geiger, newly elected Board Chair Maddy Parsons, Director General John Eriksson.

We are delighted to welcome Professor Parsons as Board Chair and look forward to working together to grow Euro-BioImaging closer to the member states and other stakeholders to build and deliver on our collective vision for the benefit of all our research communities.

A photo overview of the 8th Board Meeting, including pictures from the visit to one of the Finnish Advanced Microscopy Node facilities in BioCity Turku and the concert in honor of Benny Geiger. Thank you to all for attending the 8th Board Meeting and to the Statutory Seat team for organizing!!

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