Highly successful pilot ‘Call for Euro-BioImaging User Access Fund’ concluded

December 17, 2021
Call for Application Funding Opportunity

In October 2021, Euro-BioImaging launched the call for funded user projects to be supported by a pilot Euro-BioImaging User Access Fund. This Fund provides financial support of up to 5,000 Euros for researchers to take advantage of the imaging services provided by the 33 Euro-BioImaging Nodes.

In total, 84 applications were submitted for the Euro-BioImaging Access Fund, a sign of the overwhelming popularity of this funding opportunity in our community. The received applications propose employing a very wide range of the different imaging technologies in the Euro-BioImaging portfolio and would make use of the expert support of our Nodes. Access and support from nearly all of the Euro-BioImaging Nodes was requested in the received proposals. The range of covered research topics in the applications is very broad, from immunology and oncology, to plant biology and neuroscience. Applications were received from more than 30 different countries, mainly from within Europe, but also including applications from North and South America, Asia and Africa.

The submitted applications will now undergo scientific review. Due to the large volume of applications, successful applicants will be informed of the review outcomes 2nd half of February 2022.

Euro-BioImaging is proud of the outstanding level of interest in this pilot Call for funded User projects, demonstrating the broad range of excellent science supported by imaging and the impact of our infrastructure, and thanks everyone who submitted a proposal. We look forward to seeing the scientific outputs of the supported projects.

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