Horizon Europe-funded projects are officially launched
On September 1, 2022, four of the new Horizon Europe-funded projects that Euro-BioImaging ERIC is a partner in are officially launched! We very much look forward to working with our consortium partners and Nodes on these projects.
Here is a short synopsis of our newest projects. As these projects kick-off we will update our Joint research infrastructure projects page on our website. Stay tuned!
AI4LIFE – This project, which is coordinated by Euro-BioImaging, will develop cutting-edge services for image analysis assisted by Artificial Intelligence (AI). By employing open calls and “public challenges” (topic-oriented problem-solving sessions for developers), AI4LIFE will create universally compatible AI tools & methods and bring these developments to researchers via strategic outreach and advanced training. This project which is due to kick-off in late October will bring together top international experts in the field of deep-learning method development for life science imaging together with specialized European research infrastructures.
Read more: Proud to be part of the AI4Life Project.
Total funding: 4.1 M Euros
Number of partners: 10
Project coordinator: Euro-BioImaging ERIC
Duration: 3 years
canSERV - In this project, Euro- BioImaging will offer a large portfolio of advanced imaging services to facilitate high-end cancer research. The offered services can be exclusively imaging-related but may also take place in concert with other infrastructure services. The offered resources will target basic research, drug discovery, early therapeutics development, as well as access to population image data and image analysis services.
Total funding: 14.9 M Euros
Number of partners: 19
Project coordinator: BBMRI ERIC
Duration: 3 years
AgroSERV - In this consortium, Euro-BioImaging will offer advanced imaging services to researchers through a selection of Nodes targeting topics of agroecology, plant biology, water, soil, and microorganisms.
Total funding: 15 M Euros
Number of partners: 70+
Project coordinator: AnaEE ERIC and CNRS
Duration: 5 years
EOSC4Cancer - EOSC4Cancer is a Europe-wide foundation to accelerate data-driven cancer research. Through this consortium, EuroBioimaging with its associated nodes will provide alignment of metadata description and development of tools to enable generic use of medical imaging data. The project is focused on FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) and open data sharing in support of cancer research and will closely interlink with the canSERV project.
Total funding: 8 M Euros
Number of partners: 34
Project coordinator: Barcelona Supercomputing
Duration: 2.5 years
Other funded projects
These projects join the ISIDORe project, already underway, which provides funding for all researchers to access Euro-BioImaging Services to support their Infectious Disease research and the eRImote project, in which Euro-BioImaging contributes to the transition to digital/remote research infrastructure service provision and work with the Euro-BioImaging Nodes on a use case for remote access to imaging facilities and remote training in imaging.
In addition, Euro-BioImaging is involved in several FAIR data sharing projects, such as EOSC-Life, BY-COVID and EOSC Future.
Exciting perspectives ahead
Euro-BioImaging looks forward to working on this array of projects with partner research infrastructures and its Nodes and is thankful for these opportunities to contribute to boosting the productivity of research and innovations in Europe and expanding access to imaging infrastructures for all researchers.