Meet Euro-BioImaging’s Polish Node

April 26, 2024
Advanced Light Microscopy Node Poland Nodes Polish Node Scientific Ambassadors

Thanks to the initiative of our Scientific Ambassador, Dr. Beata Siemiątkowska, Postdoc at the Nencki Institute, we are pleased to share a new video series featuring the Laboratory of Imaging Tissue Structure and Function at the Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology PAS in Warsaw, Poland.

The Laboratory of Imaging Tissue Structure and Function at the Nencki Institute is part of EuroBioimaging's Advanced Light Microscopy Polish Node and it provides training, support, and advice for both internal and external users. They help their users unlock the mysteries of biology through advanced imaging techniques. In this video series, join us for an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at this cutting-edge imaging core facility, where groundbreaking research is conducted every day.

Many thanks to the dedicated team:

  • Natalia Nowak, MSc - Technician 

  • Artur Wolny, MSc - Technician

  • Jędrzej Szymański, PhD - Head of the Laboratory of Imaging Tissue Structure and Function 

  • Anna Mirgos, MSc - Administrative Employee & Camerawoman

For more information about this facility:

Visit the website:

Explore available funding options:

Discover the Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology PAS:

For inquiries and collaboration opportunities, please contact:

Watch the videos

Meet our Polish Node/Part 1:

In this video, Dr. rer. nat. Beata Siemiątkowska - Postdoc and Euro-BioImaging Scientific Ambassador - explains how the facility helps researchers at any career phase to unlock the mysteries of biology through advanced imaging techniques.

Meet our Polish Node/Part 2: 

In this video, Natalia Nowak, MSc - Technician - introduces the range of light microscopy techniques available and explains how the facility helps researchers at any career phase to unlock the mysteries of biology through advanced imaging techniques.

Meet our Polish Node/Part 3: 

In this video, Artur Wolny, MSc - Technician, provides an overview of the image data analysis services available and explains how the facility helps researchers at any career phase to unlock the mysteries of biology through advanced imaging & image analysis techniques.

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