
April 3, 2023

Soft X-ray tomography showcasing

Analysis of three-dimensional biological cell samples is critical for understanding the mechanisms of viral disease and for developing novel therapeutics. Cryo soft X-ray tomography…

April 3, 2023

Spotlight on Austria – March 2023

From March 13-17, 2023, several Euro-BioImaging team members had the opportunity to travel to Austria for EMIM 2023. On their way to Salzburg, they…

March 28, 2023

CanSERV call for Service Provision on “Advancing Personalised Oncology” open!

Euro-BioImaging is proud to be part of the Horizon Europe-funded CanSERV project, along with 28 Euro-BioImaging Nodes and other project partners. The canSERV consortium,…

March 28, 2023

WORLD OF IMAGING - Euro-BioImaging visits the Danish BioImaging Node

Euro-BioImaging is delighted to share some stories from our fantastic Nodes. First on the long list is the Danish BioImaging Node (DBI). Euro-BioImaging visited…

March 23, 2023

CXEM: Finding a needle in a haystack

Correlative X-ray imaging and electron microscopy (CXEM) is the combination of X-ray imaging and electron microscopy. It is a correlative approach that makes it…

March 17, 2023

MRI and PET imaging to assess cardiovascular diseases

Euro-BioImaging is organizing an online User Forum on Tuesday, March 21, 2023, from 14:00-17:00 CET. The topic is “Cardiovascular research.” This event will highlight…

March 16, 2023

MINFLUX: A light microscopy technique that closes the gap on structural biology

MINFLUX is a super-resolution approach developed by Nobel prize laureate Stefan Hell in 2016. Two Euro-BioImaging Nodes are currently offering MINFLUX in open access…

March 14, 2023

MINFLUX: Super fast, super-resolution microscopy

Want to see objects that are 5 nanometers apart? Need to track objects moving in live cells with high temporal resolution? Then why not…

March 9, 2023

Laser Microdissection: Extract specific regions from your sample

Want to look at tumor vs. healthy tissue within a sample? Laser microdissection enables you to select a material based on its spatial or…

March 8, 2023

ANERIS Project: Towards Operational Marine Biology

Euro-BioImaging is delighted to be part of the ANERIS (operAtional seNsing lifE technologies for maRIne ecosystemS) project, which kicks off this week in Barcelona. The…

March 7, 2023

A powerful high speed, low phototoxicity microscopy method to achieve super-resolved images

Are you interested in looking at tissues or other thick samples in high resolution? We spoke to Marc Tramier, a group leader at the…

March 7, 2023

Analysis of Nano-Structural Dynamics in Cardiomyocytes

Euro-BioImaging is organizing an online User Forum on Tuesday, March 21, 2023, from 14:00-17:00 CET. The topic is “Cardiovascular research.” This event will highlight…