
March 6, 2023

Characterising immune cell populations in the regenerating zebrafish heart

Euro-BioImaging is organizing an online User Forum on Tuesday, March 21, 2023, from 14:00-17:00 CET. The topic is “Cardiovascular research.” This event will highlight…

March 6, 2023

The direction matters: SRe changes with direction in a rat model of graded diastolic dysfunction

Euro-BioImaging is organizing an online User Forum on Tuesday, March 21, 2023, from 14:00-17:00 CET. The topic is “Cardiovascular research.” This event will highlight…

March 1, 2023

WORLD OF IMAGING - Euro-BioImaging visits Cape Town

As Euro-BioImaging has specifically been established to enable open access to cutting-edge imaging technologies, we are obviously interested in how open access and open…

March 1, 2023

Spatial Transcriptomics – For understanding tissue architecture

Spatial Transcriptomics is a useful approach for understanding tissue architecture and for understanding the molecular basis of health and disease. The Bioscience Technology Facility…

February 28, 2023

Lattice Light-sheet: For fast, subcellular, volumetric imaging

Want to see adherent cells with low phototoxicity and photobleaching? What about spheroids and organoids? Both of these are possible with Lattice Light-sheet imaging,…

Group of young employees working in office, top view

February 27, 2023

Opportunities for Internships in Industry!

Euro-BioImaging is offering industry internships in collaboration with the Master’s Programme in Biomedical Imaging (BIMA) in Turku, Finland, and Industry Board members ZEISS and…

February 23, 2023

Expansion Microscopy: Enabling super-resolution microscopy to be performed on diffraction limited microscopes

Want to look at subcellular structures such as mitochondria, centrioles and microtubules in super-resolution? Only have access to conventional diffraction-limited microscopes? By physically expanding…

February 20, 2023

Congratulations NL-BioImaging on receiving funding for a fully integrated infrastructure!

Three hundred years after Antoni van Leeuwenhoek, father of live-cell microscopy, performed his last amazing research, a 25 Million Euro grant from the…

February 20, 2023

Expanding our imaging technology portfolio

At the end of 2022, Euro-BioImaging significantly reorganised and expanded its technology portfolio, including a large number of novel imaging technologies that are provided…

February 15, 2023

Proud to be part of the IMPRESS project

Euro-BioImaging is proud to be part of the IMPRESS (Interoperable electron Microscopy Platform for advanced RESearch and Services) project, which…

February 13, 2023

Volume EM Series: 3D Correlative Live and Cryogenic imaging of Biological Tissues combining Raman, Light and Electron Microscopy

On Friday, February 17th at 13:00 CET, Nico Sommerdijk, Department of Medical Biosciences, Electron Microscopy Center, Radboudumc Technology Center Microscopy, Radboudumc, Nijmegen-NL delivers a…

February 9, 2023

Euro-BioImaging is hiring!

The Euro-Bioimaging team is expanding! We are currently recruiting two project managers to help us with the Horizon Europe project administration and management at…