
September 29, 2020

MSI: Making pictures out of Mass-Spectrometry data

Interview with Seetharaman Parashuraman, Head of the Bioimaging facility of the Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Naples, an institute belonging to the National…

September 29, 2020

CARS: Label-free imaging for studying pharmaceutical materials/drug crystallization

Interview with Antti Isomäki, of the Biomedicum Imaging Unit of Helsinki BioImaging, part of Euro-BioImaging’s Finish Advanced Light Microscopy Node. Q: Please tell us…

September 23, 2020

SIM: Fast and rather easy super-resolution microscopy

Interview with Ivan Novotný, Ph.D., from Light Microscopy Core facility at Institute of Molecular Genetics, in Prague, Czech Republic. Please tell us a little…

September 23, 2020

QPI: The elegant method for slow live cell imaging

Interview with Helena Chmelová, Ph.D., from Light Microscopy Core facility at Institute of Molecular Genetics, Prague, Czech Republic, part of Euro-BioImaging’s Advanced Light…

September 23, 2020

CARS: A label-free technique for live samples

Interview with Dalibor Pánek, Ph.D., from Imaging Methods Core facility at BIOCEV, Faculty of Science, Charles University, part of the Advanced Light And…

September 2, 2020

Euro-BioImaging contributes to cloud-based biological image analysis workflow tools

The European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) is a digital platform for the European science community, designed to give researchers from the European Union…

August 27, 2020

Providing remote training for new users of Light and Electron Microscopes

The Centre for Cellular Imaging of the University of Gothenburg has remained open throughout the corona virus pandemic, continuously providing microscopy services to…

July 29, 2020

Proud to announce the appointment of Euro-BioImaging’s Scientific Advisory Board

In November 2019, the European Commission officially established Euro-BioImaging – which provides life scientists with open access to a broad range of technologies…

July 23, 2020

How high-throughput microscopy can contribute to COVID-19 diagnosis

Biological and biomedical imaging technologies are essential for addressing many research questions related to Covid-19 and for diagnosis. A recent study conducted by the Heidelberg University…

July 23, 2020

Running remote experiments in Italy’s Elettra Synchrotron laboratory

Due to the COVID-19 emergency in Spring 2020, Euro-BioImaging’s  Phase Contrast Imaging Flagship Node in Trieste, Italy, started running remote experiments at its…

July 22, 2020

Fast Track access to biological and biomedical imaging technologies for COVID-19 research projects

In the battle against the SARS-CoV-2 virus, imaging technologies play a crucial role. From cellular biology to diagnostics and disease management, imaging techniques are…

July 22, 2020

Euro-BioImaging is expanding its imaging technology offer!

Euro-Bioimaging is a research infrastructure that has been founded to provide access to the best imaging services in Europe. These services are provided at…