March 26, 2021

Euro-BioImaging, proud to be part of the HealthyCloud project!

The HealthyCloud project, funded by the European Commission, brings together 21 organizations from 11 countries with broad and complementary expertise,…

March 23, 2021

The Virtual Pub: Multimodality imaging across scales and institutes

On Friday, March 26th, at 13:00 CET, we welcome: Andreas Walter, Austria BioImaging, CMI, on “Multimodality imaging across scales and institutes” After the Virtual…

March 17, 2021

New funding opportunity for Euro-BioImaging users

We are pleased to announce the launch of the Italian User Access Grants Program. With this Program, sponsored and funded by the Italian Ministry…

March 16, 2021

The Virtual Pub: New tools for in-vivo optical imaging and its translation to the clinic

On Friday, March 19th, at 13:00 CET, we welcome: Prof. Clemens Löwik, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands on “State-of-the-art and new tools for…

Marcos González López is a Master’s student and Euro-BioImaging user at the state-of-the-art CELLIM facility, part of our Advanced Light Microscopy and Medical Imaging Node Brno CZ.

March 11, 2021

Studying abroad? Euro-BioImaging can enhance your experience!

Euro-BioImaging users come from many different countries and many different backgrounds. Their research interests vary – as does their career stage. This is the…

March 9, 2021

The Virtual Pub: Theranostic Nanomedicine

On Friday, March 12th, at 13:00 CET, we welcome: Prof. Dr. Twan Lammers, Department of Nanomedicine and Theranostics, Institute for Experimental Molecular Imaging Center…

March 5, 2021

Towards sharing and reusing of preclinical image data

The preclinical imaging community faces many challenges when it comes to collecting, processing, and reusing the various types of imaging data produced in preclinical…

March 3, 2021

Remote experiments with STED microscopy at Euro-BioImaging's EMBL Node? Yes, you can!

Jonas Bagge is a PhD Fellow in the Department of Biology at the University of Copenhagen. His speciality is DNA repair, with a…

March 1, 2021

The Virtual Pub: A force-controlled nanopipette system with integrated imaging for applications in life sciences and beyond

On Friday, March 5th, at 13:00 CET, we welcome: Dr. Pablo Dörig, VP Research Solutions, Cytosurge AG, on “A force-controlled nanopipette system with integrated…

The Euro-BioImaging Industry Board logo

February 24, 2021

Election of Industry Board Chair and Vice-Chair

In its first meeting in 2021, the Euro-BioImaging Industry Board held elections for the position of Chair and Vice-Chair. Martin Tewinkel (Olympus, left) was…

February 23, 2021

The Virtual Pub: Open cutting-edge super-resolution and machine-learning technology for the study of cell biology and viral infection

On Friday, February 26th, at 13:00 CET, we welcome: Prof. Ricardo Henriques Group Leader of the Optical Cell Biology Laboratory, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência,…

February 19, 2021

The Virtual Pub: Spring 2021 Calendar

We are happy to share the Spring 2021 Calendar with you for the Virtual Pub! All imaging enthusiasts are welcome to join! Join via…