Showcasing of New Technologies for EuBI

October 9, 2018

EuBI proudly announces the first showcasing of new imaging technologies during its Interim Operation. The technological innovation of imaging technologies in the life sciences is continuous and exciting. To support the imaging community and its associated high-quality research, EuBI must remain at the technological forefront.

To achieve this, EuBI has established workflows to ensure that new technologies are continuously integrated by the community into the EuBI portfolio. These new technologies will become accessible via the service providers at the EuBI Nodes, thereby ensuring that access to cutting-edge imaging is both reliable and supported.

showcase can be conducted by any technology developer/provider or imaging facility at a public research institution/university in Europe, which is offering the new technology and hosts external users to apply this technology in their research. The showcasing provider does not necessarily have to be a Euro-BioImaging Node Candidate. For more information about participation, please download the relevant documents and templates below.

In this round, EuBI is looking particularly (but not only) for showcasing of Multimodal Holographic Microscopy (MHM), Brillouin Light Scattering Microspectroscopy (BLSM), Photo-Acoustic Microscopy (PAM), Micro X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Imaging Mass Spectroscopy, Photoacoustic Imaging (PAI), Magnetic Particle Imaging (MPI), Magnetoencephalography (MEG).

All 36 technologies already offered by EuBI are listed here.

You are always welcome to suggest additional new technologies for showcasing by using our online form.

If you have any questions or wish to participate, let us know and send your email to (for biological imaging) (for medical imaging)

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