Special Edition Virtual Pub: Open Hardware in Imaging

July 25, 2023
EBIB Technologies Virtual Pub

We are delighted to share the program for our Special Edition Virtual Pub “Open Hardware in Imaging,” organized in collaboration with the Euro-BioImaging Industry Board. In this event we will feature presentations from scientists and companies who are committed to making imaging hardware and software solutions openly available to a wide audience.

Presenters will cover a number of open hardware projects in biological and biomedical imaging, ranging from the Open Source Imaging Initiative (OSI²), a community of developers working together to promote open source software in MRI, to a new-generation "Benchtop" mesoSPIM, or open-source hardware and software that make it possible to attain super-resolution performance using affordable equipment. There is something for everyone at this Virtual Pub, so don’t miss out!

Date: September 22, 2023
Time: 13:00-15:00 CEST

Register here
PDF program


Time (CEST)







Open-source to democratize the access to human MRI systems

Ruben Pellicer-Guridi,
Asociación de Investigación MPC, Donostia–San Sebastián


The Benchtop mesoSPIM: a compact and versatile open-source light-sheet microscope for imaging cleared tissues

Nikita Vladimirov,
University of Zurich


miEye: bench-top cost-effective open-source single-molecule localization microscopy hardware and software platform

Marijonas Tutkus,
Vilnius University


Harnessing Differentiable Data Models for Machine Learning Integration in Microscopy

Luis Oala,


An open source structured illumination microscopy extension for general fluorescence microscope body

Haoran Wang,
Leibniz-Institute of Photonic Technology


General-purpose microscope control via Python: ImSwitch

Jacopo Abramo,
Leibniz-Institute of Photonic Technology


The BrightEyes-TTM: an open-source time-tagging module for fluorescence laser scanning microscopy

Mattia Donato,
Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia

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