The Virtual Pub: Early 2021 Calendar

December 16, 2020
Virtual Pub

We held our last Virtual Pub of 2020 on Friday, December 11th, but we look forward to a very exciting line-up of talks in 2021! Please find below the calendar of the first Virtual Pubs of the new year. Please help us spread the word about these upcoming talks and join us on Friday, January 8th for the first Virtual Pub of 2021. In the meantime, stay healthy and enjoy the holidays!

On Friday, January 8th, at 13:00 CET, we welcome

  • Shan Zhao, PhD researcher, Institute for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (iTERM), Helmholtz Zentrum München and LMU, on “Holistic Three-dimensional Cellular Mapping of Mammalian Organs by Tissue Clearing and Light-sheet Fluorescence Microscopy"

We very much look forward to chatting and raising a cup/glass with you in the New Year.

Join via internet:
If you would like to present at The Virtual Pub, we are open to suggestions! Please let us know at


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