Research infrastructures

Euro-BioImaging is part of an ecosystem of many research infrastructure consortia in Europe that offers a wide range of services for life science applications - and also in other scientific domains.

The Life Science Research Infrastructure services range from mouse models and drug compound libraries to biobanks, from imaging and structural biology to marine and microbial samples. Here’s an overview of our partner research infrastructures, some of which you may have heard of before. 

Within this ecosystem, Euro-BioImaging has signed bilateral Collaboration Agreements with several European Life Science Research Infrastructures (RIs) with whom we have particularly close collaborations. These partner research infrastructures are listed below.

Research Infrastructures


ELIXIR is a pan-European infrastructure that integrates national bioinformatics resources into a unified network, providing access to data, tools, compute resources, and expertise to support life-science research across Europe.


EU-OPENSCREEN is a European Research Infrastructure that provides open access to high-capacity screening platforms and a diverse compound collection for validating therapeutic targets and conducting studies in chemical biology across a range of systems.

European Marine Biological Resource Centre

The European Marine Biological Resource Centre (EMBRC) is a collaborative network of over 30 marine centres across 9 European countries, supporting research and innovation in marine biology by providing access to marine organisms and ecosystems.


Instruct-ERIC is a leading European research infrastructure offering comprehensive access to cutting-edge structural biology technologies, expertise, and training, aimed at understanding molecular mechanisms and advancing the field globally.

The signed trilateral Memorandum of Understanding between Instruct-ERIC, EU-OPENSCREEN ERIC and Euro-BioImaging ERIC shown by Antje Keppler, Harald Schwalbe and Wolfgang Fecke (from left to right).

A new, promising collaborative agreement among top-class life science research infrastructures was made official during the International Conference on Research Infrastructures (ICRI 2022) in Brno, Czech Republic, on October 21, 2022. This trilateral Memorandum of Understanding between Instruct-ERIC, EU-OPENSCREEN ERIC and Euro-BioImaging ERIC is designed to benefit the life science research community.