

Inspired and guided by Euro-BioImaging, the India-Bioimaging consortium was started in 2012 and it is the Indian research infrastructure for imaging technologies in biological sciences. The consortium partners offer open access to their services to bioscience researchers. Indian researchers can access imaging stations, expertise, training opportunities which they do not find at their own institutions or among their collaborative partners.

Access to technologies

Biological imaging (e.g. lSCM/CLSM (single and multiphoton), STED, SIM, STORM, FCS, SPIM, TIRF, FLIM) can be accessed by scientists coming from all over India at the partner institutions of the India BioImaging consortium. The India BioImaging users get expert technical assistance and support while running their imaging experiments. The imaging technologies available at National Centre for Biological Sciences, Bangalore can be accessed through Centre for Cellular and Molecular Platforms and others can be directly accessed through consortium partners at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore and Indian Institute for Science Education & Research, Pune.

Access to training services

The India Bioimaging consortium offers training courses at different levels and on many different imaging technologies for scientists as well as imaging facility operators. One of the partners of India Bioimaging consortium, the National Centre for Biological Sciences (TIFR) has been organizing the Bangalore microscopy course every year in collaboration with University of California, San Francisco, since 2009.