Institut Pasteur de Montevideo
The Institut Pasteur de Montevideo is a non-profit foundation dedicated exclusively to promoting scientific and technological research in the fields of human biology, biomedicine, molecular pathology and other disciplines related to them, as well as organizing and implementing courses, seminars and training for investigators, and take any action in connection with such investigations; undertake any research work that may be necessary for the advancement of science in the fields described above; make discoveries and inventions, register patents, among others.
Goals of collaboration
The goal of this collaboration is to build a strong alliance started between Institut Pasteur de Montevideo, which shall mutually benefit the Uruguayan and Latin American imaging communities and Euro-BioImaging by linking imaging infrastructures internationally, to support research in the areas of biological and medical sciences. The collaboration framework aims at building the alliance with a particular focus on identifying sustainable funding mechanisms to guarantee international partnership of the involved national infrastructure facilities.
Modalities of collaboration
The modalities of collaboration can take many forms. In particular, we aim to work together with the Uruguayan imaging community to share experiences and best practices, as well as set up staff exchange and user projects. Together, we will explore funding channels to implement these ideas.