A Singapore-wide microscopy infrastructure network is a new project funded by a national research foundation shared infrastructure support (SIS) grant in Singapore. The project is a partnership between the Agency for Science, Technology and Research (a*star), the National University of Singapore (NUS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and SingHealth.
Access to instrumentation and expertise
The project will network the wealth of biological and biomedical microscopy infrastructure across Singapore to enable scientists to identify and access instrumentation and expertise, with a key principle being that all researchers, whether from academia or industry, will have access to these valuable resources. SingaScope is developing an online searchable database and app to enable researchers to identify the resources available.
Strategically expanding capabilities
Leveraging on existing well-equipped microscopy platforms, SingaScope will continue to develop the infrastructure available through strategic acquisitions of emerging technologies – keeping Singapore at the cutting-edge whilst avoiding unnecessary duplication. Routine equipment is already widely available across Singapore but the project will ensure it is well-maintained and kept up-to-date. Advanced instrumentation, and the relevant expertise, has more limited availability, so sharing these resources widely will make a significant difference to a multitude of research projects.
Developing human capital
We will continue to develop Singapore’s human capital, raise service standards and cement Singapore as the regional centre of excellence for microscopy training. SingaScope will achieve this by educating scientists, at all levels, in microscopy and training facility staff in both technical and managerial/operational skills
Exchange of experience and international engagement
SingaScope will provide a forum for the exchange of experience and information between scientists both within Singapore and with the international community by engaging with similar initiatives overseas.